Insertion of Radicalism Themes in Civics Courses in Higher Education: A Public Policy Perspective

Tatang Sudrajat


Terrorism as an extraordinary crime begins with radicalism as a plague that has now spread to the younger generation. Higher education has an important role and contribution as a preventive step to deal with it. The issuance of the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education (Kepdirjen Dikti) Number 84/E/KPT/2020 and several other state and government regulations are public policies in the field of education as a solution. The handling of radicalism as a public problem lacks integration and seriousness. As one of the compulsory curriculum courses (MKWK) in higher education, citizenship has not received proper treatment from policy actors. The research aims to analyze radicalism and MKWK Citizenship in higher education from a public policy perspective.  The research uses normative juridical methods, literature study and secondary data analysis, by examining various substances of government regulations and various relevant documents. The results show that there are several state and government regulations that can be viewed as public policies in the field of education that pay attention to radicalism as a public problem. The insertion of the theme of radicalism into Citizenship courses is very strategic as a preventive measure for radicalism and terrorism. This is in the context of increasing national insight, love for the country and anti-radicalism. As policy actors, state and government officials, officials of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), officials of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), university leaders, lecturers teaching Citizenship courses, education leaders and activists, and other education stakeholders, have a stake and interest in this issue. Seriousness, integration and synergistic work between policy institutions in handling the problem of radicalism are needed. Handling the problem of radicalism through education will contribute positively to the fulfillment of public expectations to be free from the threat of terrorism.

Keywords: public policy, radicalism, higher education, citizenship.


public policy, radicalism, higher education, citizenship.

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