Burhanudin Mukhamad Faturahman, Teguh Kurniawan, Vishnu Juwono


The Covid-19 pandemic impacts the tourism sector in the form of a decrease in visitors and regional income. Bandung city is an area that relies on the tourism sector for development in areas where the tourism sector has experienced a significant decline during the pandemic. The study's purpose is to determine the efforts to recover from the Covid-19 disaster in the tourism sector of Bandung City and its relation to disaster management. he results showed that there was a decrease in the number of tourists from 8.4 million in 2019 to 3.2 million in 2020. Hotel occupancy also fell by 43.4% on average per year to just under 10%. This has an impact on reducing the income of the Bandung City area, especially in hotels and restaurants. The efforts made by the Bandung City Government are relaxing taxes on business actors, looking for new taxes on a local scale, making recovery by providing grants and necessities, preparing human resources to anticipate changes in the pandemic era, and optimizing online marketing at the normalization stage. Meanwhile, disaster risk reduction is realized through the application of CHSE in tourist areas carried out by entrepreneurs, visitors, and employees


recovery, tourism, disaster risk reduction

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