Collaborative Governance Dalam Program PPM Minerba Di Desa Bukit Layang, Kabupaten Bangka
Community development and empowerment in the mining business is an effort to encourage the improvement of the economy, education, socio-culture, health, and the environment of the communities around the mine, both individually and collectively so that the level of life of the communities around the mine becomes better and independent. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of collaborative governance in community development and empowerment programs in tin mining business activities in Bukit Layang Village, Bangka Regency. Bukit Layang Village is one of the villages that runs community development and empowerment programs. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained through primary data and secondary data in the form of interviews, observation and literature study. The results showed that the collaborative process between stakeholders involved in the development and community empowerment program was running quite well. This was marked by the increasing independence of the village through community empowerment activities and the sustainability of the community's economic values.
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