Tengku Rika Valentina, Roni Ekha Putera


There is a problem in the commitment and consistency of the main actors in political power at the local level in West Sumatra, namely the problematic existence of the nagari institutions. There is an irony that is seen, when institutional restructuring is carried out at the local level, it turns out that "reaping" many problems, one of which is the problem of how the practice of power in the nagari is applied democratically by not eliminating any form of local wisdom inherent in the area. The discussion of this article is part of the research conducted by the writer in a post positive exploratory method. The data collection used a series of techniques namely, observation, interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), literature study from various manuscript literature related to the nagari in West Sumatra. The discussion of this article then offers (1) avoiding Pseudo nagari, namely the existence of a meaning of "recognition" to explore the effects of institutional choices on representation, legitimacy, citizenship by way of recognition-subsidiarity and to be properly addressed in Law No.6 / 2014 on villages; (2) formulating Nagari is a transition from "order" to "disorder"; and (3) There are social values and political culture as a consequence of the emergence of the arena of democracy which is a prerequisite for decentralization that can be elaborated even further, to look at the local democratic process in Nagari


Decentralization, Nagari and local democracy

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