Regional Development of the Kota Kekerabatan Maja in Banten Province

Sierfi Rahayu


Regional development is one of the goals in realizing SDG'S in Indonesia, namely cities and sustainable settlements. Regional development was drawn as a series of efforts to realize integration in the use of various resources and balance national development. Kota Kekerabatan Maja is located in one of the sub-districts in Lebak Regency, Banten Province and is one of the national policy strategies in developing Indonesia from the periphery to strengthen the regions. However, the problem is that the existing infrastructure and non-agricultural sectors have not been optimally optimized for their potential. This study aims to determine the development of Maja Kinship City in Banten Province. The method used in this method is descriptive qualitative, with the techniques used are interviews and field observations. The results of this study indicate that the development of Maja Kinship City has been carried out quite optimally. However, there are several dimensions that still need to be considered, namely the financial capacity and economy of the community.


Regional Development; Kota Kekerabatan Maja

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