Pemodelan Data Center untuk Efektivitas Pelayanan Publik Berbasis TIK di Pemerintah Kota Bandung - Data Center Modeling for the Effectiveness of ICT Based Public Services in Bandung City Government
Konsep smart city sebagai perluasan e-government bertujuan memberi kemudahan masyarakat melakukan akses terhadap data dan informasi miliki pemerintah. Dengan pelayanan publik berbasis TIK masyarakat memperoleh layanan dengan mudah, mengedepankan budaya komunikasi digital terintegrasi, sehingga diharapkan tingkat mobilitas masyarakat menurun dan kota menjadi tempat tinggal yang nyaman. Upaya menghasilkan satu data versi yang sama dalam data terbuka belum terwujud dengan kendala integrasi data dan sistem. 77 OPD memiliki pusat data tertutup untuk kepentingan masing-masing dengan total 328 aplikasi akhir 2018. Hasil penelitian portal open data Pemerintah Kota Bandung belum memenuhi keterbukaan informasi. Pembuatan model data center  yang tepat untuk Pemerintah Kota Bandung, diawali dengan observasi SAPRAS TIK milik OPD untuk pelayanan publik; dan melakukan evaluasi efektivitas portal open data dengan teori pengukuran efektivitas sistem pemodelan D & M IS success model dari Negash. Metode penelitian deskriptif pendekatan kualitatif; Data diperoleh dari hasil observasi, evaluasi, studi dokumentasi, dan wawancara dengan informan pemangku jabatan pada DISKOMINFO dan BAPPELITBANG, serta beberapa informan ahli bidang pembangunan data center. Hasil evaluasi portal open data diketahui tidak efektif mengelola informasi, sehingga integrasi data dan sistem perlu dilakukan dengan membangun infrastruktur TIK melalui data center. Hasil observasi terhadap SAPRAS TIK milik seluruh OPD dijadikan landasan Pemodelan data center menggunakan aliran aktifitas perancangan infrastruktur data center mengacu standar Telecomunication Industry Association/TIA-942, meliputi: pemilihan lokasi; evaluasi infrastruktur bangunan; mendesain ruangan; pengaturan peralatan; pelabelan. Sehingga diharapkan mampu mengimplementasikan TIK dalam tata kelola pemerintahan sebagai bagian dari era Revolusi Industri 4.0.
The concept of smart city as an expansion of e-government aims to make it easier for people to access data and information from the government. With ICT-based public services the community can easily obtain services, applying integrated digital communication culture, Â it is expected the level of mobility in Bandung City will decrease and the city will become a comfortable place to live. Efforts to produce a single accurate open data source has not materialized due to the constraints on data and system integration. 77 OPDs have their closed data centers for their respective interests with a total of 328 applications by the end of 2018. The existence of open data portal expected to provide open information is assumed unable to meet the needs of information disclosure. This study presents the proposed Data Center Modeling for the Bandung City Government, by first observing the Bandung City OPD's ICT infrastructure which is used for delivering public services; and evaluating the effectiveness of the open data portal in managing information by using the theory of system effectiveness measurement in the form of Negash D & M IS success model. The research employed a descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained through interviews, observations, evaluations, and documentation reviews. The informants were the stakeholders of Bandung City DISKOMINFO and BAPPELITBANG, as well as several expert informants in the field of data center development. The results of the evaluation of the open data portal are known to be ineffective in managing information, so data and system integration needs to be done by building ICT infrastructure through the data center. The evaluation result of the open data portal showed that it was ineffective in managing information. Thus, the data and system integration needs to be done by building ICT infrastructure through the data center. The observation result on Bandung City OPD ICT infrastructure was used as the basis for making data center modeling using the procedures of data center infrastructure design referring to the Telecommunication Industry Association/TIA-942 standard which includes: site selection; building infrastructure evaluation; room designing; equipment arrangement, and labeling. So that it is expected to be able to implement ICTs in government as part of the fourth Industrial Revolution.Â
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