Implementation of Transparency and Accountability Principles in Extractive Industry Governance in Bojonegoro Regency

Ahmad Sholikin


Despite efforts to undertake substantial democratic reforms in the oil and gas extractive industry sector in Indonesia, a fully democratic governance process has yet to be fully realized. Transparency and accountability have emerged as governance instruments that target information disclosure in revenue management from the extractive industry sector. Transparency and accountability initiatives are often proposed to increase citizen participation in the oil and gas extractive industry sector for sustainable development. This research develops an analytical framework that emphasizes information disclosure, citizen action, and state response in making transparency and accountability initiatives effective in driving change. It depicts these three dimensions in “the transparency cube” to illustrate the simultaneous role of information disclosure, citizen action, and state response and the different aspects of these dimensions. This study analyzes how efforts to promote transparency and accountability in the oil and gas extractive industry sector for sustainable development in Bojonegoro Regency. This study aims to understand the case in depth and in a natural way with its complexity and context, so this study is qualitative research.


Accountability; Transparency; Extractive Industry; Bojonegoro

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