Analysis of Knowledge, Motivation, and Benefits to Increase Community Participation in Waste Management; Case study in Pelangi Galaxy Waste Bank Bandung City

Cintantya Andhita Dara Kirana, Ely Sufianti, Sri Suryani


Waste is one of the problems that is currently still a challenge that has not been resolved completely. Based on data from the Housing and Settlement Office published by West Java Open Data, waste production in Bandung City reached 1,529 tons per day in 2021. The daily waste production is the highest compared to other districts or cities in West Java Province. Currently, Bandung City is experiencing problems related to fires at the Sarimukti Landfill.  This study aims to determine the level of knowledge, motivation and benefits to increase community participation in waste management. The location of this research is the Pelangi Galaxy Waste Bank Bandung City. The method used in this study was quantitative descriptive, with a total of 56 respondents. The results showed that the majority of residents have adequate knowledge about waste management, motivation, and understand the benefits of managing waste, followed by a high percentage in sorting waste. However, the percentage that utilizes waste banks to collect inorganic waste with economic value is still very lacking, as well as many who still do not know how to process organic waste into compost.


garbage, waste bank, community participation, motivation

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