Promosi Program Cicilan Pemasangan Meteran Baru di Kanwil Pelayanan IV PDAM Kota Makassar

Eljihad Akbari Syukriah Mathory, Filsa Mutia Ikhwan


Makassar City Water Supply Perumda conducts promotions to the community regarding clean water services so that people are more aware of the quality and benefits provided, but there are still many people who have not subscribed to clean water due to the low income the community earns so that the Makassar City PDAM issued a new installation installment program that will enforced if a policy has been issued by the Board of Directors in order to ease payments and make it easier for the community to get clean water. This study aims to provide an overview of the 4c model as a promotional solution for the installment program for the installation of a new meter at Regional Office Service IV PDAM Makassar City. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This qualitative descriptive approach uses data collection through structured interviews, distribution of questionnaires, observation and documentation to several related parties that can assist researchers in the research process. The results of this study indicate that the four 4C elements used, namely Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication, can be additional variables in carrying out promotional measurements for the installation of a new meter installment program at the Regional Service Office IV of Perumda Water Supply, Makassar City because the four variables have a positive impact in this case via video. educational promotion. It is hoped that this program will be carried out more frequently so that the information needed by the community can be conveyed and the installment program for installing new meters can also be better known by the wider community and can become a reference for further research.


Marketing 4C, Promotional videos

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