Time Pressure Effect on the Creative Behavior of Medical Personnel Mediated by Learning Orientation

Hanief Muhammad Riefqi


In the medical world, time in handling for patients contributes positively to the patient's recovery. However, doctors have a lot of work to do, so it can cause stress. On the other hand , the variety of patient complaints, how doctors interact with patients, the emergence of new diseases, new cases, new drug findings, the creation of new technology, and the existence of new treatment methods require doctors to be more creative in channeling their knowledge to complete their tasks.. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of time pressure on creative behavior, mediated by learning orientation in medical personnel at RSUD dr. Moewardi Surakarta. This study is an associative study using SEM-PLS. The sample was taken by 130 doctors. Using SmartPLS 3.3.9, the study found that time pressure had a positive effect on creative behavior. Learning orientation can mediate the influence of time pressure on creative behavior.

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