Community-Based Tourism Village Development Strategy towards Mega Mangrove Center in The Era Of Society 5.0

Allifia Dwina Oktabria, Hapsari Kharisma Maharani, Dian Maysaroh


The rapid growth of industrial revolution 4.0 brings demands in various sectors of life. Likewise with the tourism sector, one of which is the development of the Pandansari Mangrove Tourism Village into one of the national Mega Mangrove Center programs. By hight participation of community, this program has potention to increase the economic and social level of  Pandansari Village community if it is combined with the Society 5.0 concept that involves the digitazion process in every activity carried out, including administrative management, promotion, and marketing of superior products by the community. Nevertheless various problems arise in it, such as a decrease in visitors and the low level of community knowledge about technology which can have an impact on decreasing the socio-economic level in it. This research identification analysis uses 4A aspects (accessibility, attractions, amenities, and anciallary) and SWOT analysis to identify and develop its potential to describe what strategies need to be applied in developing a sustainable community-based tourism sector.


Mega Mangrove Centre, Community-Based Tourism Village, Society 5.0

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