Optimizing the Concept of Reinventing Government in Village Governments during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Saekul Anwar, Rofi’ Ramadhona Iyoega


This article describes the Optimization of the Concept of Reinventing Government to Village Governments during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Good governance is a necessity that cannot be negotiated, therefore the political will of various parties, especially the government, to realize this concept needs encouragement and support from all elements of the nation. The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 forces the government to make major adjustments to governance, not only at the center, but also in villages. Reinventing government is a concept that we have known for a long time and in this pandemic, it is not wrong for us to try to optimize this concept in the effectiveness of government administration in the village.

Keywords: Optimizing ; Reinventing Government ; Village Government: Covid-19

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