Application of JAK 5 INDUKSI Innovation as a form of Adaptation to the New Normal Era of Public Service in the Midst of a Pandemic

Musa Rustam


Implementation of Jak 5 Induksi Innovation in the context of bureaucratic reform is a natural cycle for an organization in local government. This is influenced by internal factors such as the organization's vision and mission, human resources, organizational structure, leadership and organizational culture and organizational service processes. The Jak 5 Induksi Innovation realizes more efficient and effective service practices in the process of implementing public services, to make it more affordable and expand public access to make it easier to obtain maternal and child population administration services that are integrated with health services. This paper aims to explain an example of the application of the Jak 5 Induksi Innovation in Kali Anyar Village, where the existence of public service innovations can be aligned with the bureaucratic processes that exist in the New Normal Era amid the pandemic. The method used is in the form of providing recommendations in order to get the desired results. As a result, the Jak 5 Induksi innovation organized by the Population Administration and Civil Registration Service Unit of the Kali Anyar village turned out to be able to create a new way of facilitating orderly services for maternal and child population administration, providing more benefits to service users, despite the culture, local conditions, and levels. education of the people of Kali Anyar Village who are not ready for technological changes. In order to optimize the utilization of the application of integrated service innovation, it is not a "dream" in the midst of a pandemic but becomes real because of innovation.


Innovation, Public Services, Population Administration

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