Leni Rohida, Idil Akbar


This paper aims to examine the impact of competency-based human resource development on improving employee performance, by using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach to finding out how the impact of competency-based human resource development on improving employee performance. To analyze data collected through literature studies (library research) and analyzed through data approaches, interpretation of data to concluding. Based on the results of the analysis that the development of competency-based human resources is carried out to provide results that are following the goals and objectives of the organization with established performance standards. Competence concerns the authority of each individual to perform tasks or make decisions according to their role in the organization that is relevant to their expertise, knowledge, and abilities. Individual competencies of employees must be able to support the implementation of organizational strategy and be able to support any changes made by management. The success of an organization is largely determined by the quality of the people who work in it. Rapid environmental changes require their ability to capture the phenomenon of change, analyze their impact on the organization and prepare steps to deal with these conditions. The role of human resource management in organizations is not just administrative but rather more directed at how to be able to develop competency-based human resources to be creative and innovative to support the success of organizational goals.


human resource development, competency, employee performance

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