Mapping Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction Levels at Purworejo Post Office 54100: CSI, IPA, and Kano Approach

Pepi Zulvia, Niko Dwi Haryanto


This study aims to measure customer satisfaction levels regarding service quality at the Purworejo Post Office 54100 by integrating several analytical methods, including the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and the Kano model. Using the Accidental Sampling technique, a total of 61 respondents participated in this research. The analysis results show that the customer satisfaction level is 80.44%, which falls into the satisfied category. The IPA analysis identified seven attributes in the priority improvement quadrant, while the IPA-Kano integration revealed 13 important attributes that need attention to improve overall service quality. Three main attributes identified as improvement priorities through the Potential Gain Customer Value (PGCV) method are fast and responsive service, security from loss or damage to goods, and response to customer suggestions and complaints. This study provides precise and measurable strategic recommendations for enhancing service quality at the Purworejo Post Office 54100 to increase customer satisfaction and maintain competitiveness in an increasingly competitive and dynamic market.


Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction Indeks (CSI), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Kano Model, Potential Gain Customer Value (PGCV)

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