Pengembangan Kompetensi Karir Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam Mewujudkan Pelayanan Publik yang Berkualitas di Kabupaten Banyumas

Rizki Maulana Riwayanto, Ardiana Septi Farhanah, Risky Anggia Rachmadani


This research explores the competency development of civil servants in Banyumas Regency in the context of improving the quality of public services. Through a qualitative approach using a literature study, this research analyzes the efforts and challenges in the implementation of civil servant competency development. It was found that although there has been an increase in the number of civil servants and several training programs have been implemented, there is still a mismatch between training materials and practical needs in the field, as well as inequality in the distribution of training opportunities. The effectiveness of competency development is also hampered by budget constraints and the suboptimal implementation of the merit system and talent management. This study concludes that to improve the quality of public services in Banyumas Regency, improvements in the talent management system, more adequate budget allocation, and expansion of non-classical training methods are needed. A more effective implementation of the merit system is also needed to support the career development of civil servants in a fair and transparent manner. By overcoming these challenges, it is expected that the competency development of civil servants can significantly contribute to improving the quality of public services in Banyumas Regency.

Keywords: Banyumas Regency, civil servants, competency development, public service, merit system


Banyumas Regency, civil servants, competency development, public service, merit system

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